Murder By Moonlight may be my favorite book, out of the eight I’ve written. Have you read it? If you haven’t, I hope you do. It’s on Amazon. If you’ve read this latest cozy, I’m sure you can answer this fun quiz. A question and two possible answers. See if you can pick the right […]
Paw Prints
·Hi there. This is Ulysses speaking. I’m a dog. Not just any dog. I have a nose for snooping, and I live with Ned McNeil. It wasn’t always this way. I do not even like to think back to my previous life. Let me just say that it wasn’t happy and it involved being tied […]
Never Trust It–Not For a Minute!
·Hey, good morning, all you cozy mystery fans and happy birth month all you July people!! Don’t you feel special today? This is your month to shine and how could you do otherwise with none other than that lovely ruby as your birthstone? Not only one flower for you, but two–the lily and […]
Not Without My Dog
·These hot, summer days in July and August are called the dog days of summer and, in honor of that, today Ulysses, Ned’s dog and faithful companion, has his day in Moonstruck and Murderous, the third Ned McNeil moonlight book. It’s free on Amazon Unlimited. Ulysses, Ned’s rescue dog and Penny the cat are important […]
Fun-Filled Fancy
·Let me tell you, writing a cozy mystery is fun! In my first series, Darcy and Flora come to life. We look in on them in their hometown of Levi and learn why they are both living in the old farmhouse. We shiver at the danger they inadvertently step into and sigh with relief when […]