Conclusion, Shadow on a Rock

It took a week before Jase Marshall was able to appear before the court. Miss Georgia was all a-tremble as she, Jenny, Tommy, and James Stone arrived in the packed courtroom. Lathe met the little group at the door and escorted them up to a front seat. Jase sat in a hard-backed chair turned to […]

Chapter 4, Shadow on the Rock

Looking back on that night later, Miss Georgia was never quite sure how she and Jase Marshall made it through. She remembered spreading a sheet on the sofa and coaxing and lifting and supporting the wounded man until he plopped down with a loud sigh. She cut off his shirt where blood had dried and […]

Shadow–An Unexpected Visit

Miss Georgia knocked on the Stone’s door and heard muttered exclamations inside. She was sure neither James Stone nor his wife was expecting anybody to drop by this late. James opened the door in overalls, shirt, and bare feet. It seemed strange not to see him dressed to the nines, as he usually was. She […]

Chapter Two, Shadow on a Rock

Chapter Two The trail Miss Georgia followed dipped down into a small ravine. In rainy weather, a creek meandered through, but now only a few pools of water puddled in the low places. This wet weather creek dead-ended farther back in the woods, in a cave. Miss Georgia had only been as far as the […]

Shadow on a Rock

Are you all ready for a reprise of one of my spur of the moment mysteries? With school starting, I’m in a bookish mood, and since I’m a retired school teacher, well, here it is…a re-run of the first Miss Georgia mystery: Miss Georgia Lee closed her valise with a snap. Standing up from her […]

If Wishes Were Horses

“You know,” I said, “I was looking again at Marvie Saunder’s book.”             “No, Ned,” Pat interrupted. “Remember, you’ve given that up. You’re going to let Cade and Gerald handle whatever is going on about that house. You are fixating on that book of poetry so, stop it!”             Stung, I said, “What a thing […]