I firmly resolve and forswear to work hard at sharpening my writing skills by never, ever writing run-on sentences unless they are called for by content of the story or one of the characters steps up and says he is going to say thus and so causing the sentence to become first a paragraph, then […]
Boxing Day
And now, mail resumes, banks re-open, people go back to work, and I’m grateful for another wonderful Christmas with my family. In many countries, this is Boxing Day, and I don’t mean it’s a time when we put on gloves and solve all our differences with combat. The day after Christmas is a day when […]
The Day Before Christmas
Christmas Eve I woke up this morning and sprang from my bed, with thoughts of a busy day rife in my head. On with the coffee pot, on with my blog; fill the bird feeders and also the dog. Quick, to the kitchen I go in a hurry; from counter to stove top I scoot […]

‘Possums and Rain
Wonderful rain this morning! So far, two inches. We had 3/4 of an inch yesterday, so this is great! Trees, houses, yards are all a soggy gray, but that’s a good color. Something else soggy and gray was a big ‘possum I saw this morning–I’m glad he escaped Nemo’s notice. He was moving at a […]