A Man You Can Count On

A Man You Can Count On

I talked to my older brother last night and wished him a Happy Father’s Day. He thanked me and said, “Well, it’s not as important as Mother’s Day.” I disagreed and told him I thought it was very important. Moms and Dads each have a God-given responsibility and privilege in the life of a healthy […]

Irreplaceable Man of the House

Irreplaceable Man of the House

Joseph must have been a good man, but beyond that, God chose him to be the perfect earthly father for Jesus. Joseph was protective of Mary and her Son. He could have divorced her or “put her away privately” when she told him she was pregnant, but he did neither because he loved Mary. Scripture […]

A Century and a Half Ago

Dignity in defeat and graciousness in victory. I’ve often wished, if I could go back in time, that I might have been present that day, April 9, 1865, in the parlor of Wilmer McLean of Appomattox Court House, Virginia. I would have liked to see General Robert E. Lee, tall, erect, and dignified, dressed in […]

His Name Was Clint

His Name Was Clint

His name was Clinton Lee Day. He was my oldest nephew, Mom and Dad’s first grandchild and we thought he was pretty special. He was slim and quick and had a laugh that made everyone around him want to laugh too. When he grew up,  he joined the Marines. He looked very handsome in his […]

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

  On Mother’s Day, Mom always wore a corsage of white roses to church. Used to be that was the custom–if your mother was no longer with you, you wore white flowers; if she was still here, you wore red flowers. That tradition has probably flown, like so many. I was singularly blessed to have […]

In My Mother’s Bible

In My Mother’s Bible

In uncertain times, we need an anchor, something unchangeable that we can cling to. It helps to have reminders that people have gone through hard times before now and survived. My granddaughter, as well as some nieces and nephews, are interested in genealogy. In trying to answer their questions, I turn to the place where […]