Who Was Tyler?

Happy birthday to our first and sixteenth Presidents, although it’s not the birthday of either one. George Washington was born on February 22 and Abraham Lincoln on February 12. So, this is in between both. We hear a lot about these two Presidents but who, I asked myself, was a President that I didn’t hear […]

February Fun

February babies have reason to celebrate. You share your birth month with Presidents George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Ronald Reagan. Your birthstone is the lovely Amethyst and your flowers are the violet and primrose. If you had lived during the Victorian era, a gift of violets meant that you’d always be true. Primroses signified that […]

The Influence of Women

It is my belief that women throughout history have had an immense part to play in history. Women have exemplified strength and wisdom. One of my favorite biblical women is Abi, the mother of King Hezekiah. Hezekiah’s father was one of the most wicked kings Judah had ever known. Ahaz brought back the worship of […]

In the Last Century

Come with me for a trip into history and delve into a 1921 issue of The Etude, Presser’s Musical Magazine. I’m not sure where I bought this magazine but it’s fascinating because it’s from a much different era of America. Woodrow Wilson was President that year; that is, until March 4 when Warren G. Harding […]

A Day That Will Live in Infamy

“A day that will live in infamy,” President Roosevelt said. And, indeed, it has and will. A sneak attack by Japanese aircraft against the American Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor triggered the United States’ entrance into World War II, December 7, 1941. As I watch old film clips and read first-hand accounts, I can imagine […]

Old Man Winter

Yesterday,  it was fall. This morning, it’s winter. The brown leaves and dark trees are wet. I wonder if we had a first snowfall during the night but the temperature was so warm, it melted quickly into rain?  I remember walking home from the school bus when I was a child. The bus let my […]