Etta Bend Devotional

One of the writing projects I’m working on is a daily devotional book with the Etta Bend of the early twentieth century as the background. The format is to have a Bible verse at the top, short sketch in the middle, and a take away Thought at the bottom. Here is a sample: January 8–“I […]

I Remember Once Upon a Time…

“The Spirit of man is the candle of the Lord…” (Proverbs 20:27). A candle brings light into dark places. It may be very small but in a black night, the brightness of one small candle is light indeed. Bible truth is light shining in a dark world. Now, a light reveals good and it also […]

Thoughts on God’s World

Thoughts on God’s World

A cup of hot caramel drizzle coffee sits on my desk and my dog sits at my feet. The morning is quiet and dark. A few solar lights across the street and in my container garden are exclamation points of brightness, and I am reminded on this first day of November, of how blessed I […]

Summer School at Etta Bend

Summer School at Etta Bend

Times have changed and so have school terms. Today’s blog is the conclusion of the segment begun yesterday about the summer term at Etta Bend around 1915. This is taken from my book, The Heritage of Etta Bend. The words and story are my mother’s, Susie Latty Day: “Later, we had single desks. The teacher appreciated […]

Summer School of Long Ago

Summer School of Long Ago

School has started in most places. It seems terribly early and terribly hot to begin school, in my opinion. When I was a child, we never started our fall term until after Labor Day. But when my mother was a youngster, school terms were more different still. The following excerpt is from The Heritage of Etta […]

What Middle Ground?

What Middle Ground?

Looking back at yesterday’s posting about my dad, I notice I used absolutes a lot: always, never. He was that kind of person. He knew his mind, knew right from wrong and wasn’t  into compromise. I did not have to guess about where Dad stood. As I listen and look at the world I live […]