A Drift of Ireland’s Mist

A Drift of Ireland’s Mist

Since my return from Ireland, I seem to be in two places: one, the here and now with the excitement of books about to be published, the other,  a mystical island in the Atlantic, where ancient towers still keep watch on the surrounding countryside. I close my eyes and see swans floating on the River […]

Remnants and Reminders

Remnants and Reminders

The sights and sounds, stories and symbols of Ireland are tucked snugly away into my pocket of memories. Ireland can’t be boxed, put on a shelf, and forgotten. The traveler who has been to Ireland always carries it with her and becomes a part of what she has seen; at least, this traveler does. Remnants and […]

The Ring, Rain and Rhododendrons

The Ring, Rain and Rhododendrons

It is raining in NWA this morning and the raindrops are accompanied by lightning and thunder. I’m pretty sure it is raining in Ireland, too, where now it is 11 a.m. instead of 5:00. They may not have the thunder and lightning, though. While I was there, the rain was sometimes hard but never stormy. […]

The Emerald Isle

The Emerald Isle

Green fields of every shade imaginable  could be the reason Ireland is known as the emerald isle. The country itself is small, about the size of the state of Indiana. Population is 6.4 million with a million of the people living in Dublin. It reminds me of a jewel, truly an emerald surrounded by a setting […]

The Fairy Forts of Ireland

The Fairy Forts of Ireland

Our bus driver and guide on the trip around Ireland was Bill Mahoney. I wish Bill could have sat down with us and talked more in-depth about the many intriguing places we saw from our bus windows or stopped at to briefly explore. Bill was a walking encyclopedia of Ireland and knew so much history and […]

A Leprechaun in My Pocket

A Leprechaun in My Pocket

No, Missy, I didn’t come back from Ireland with a leprechaun in my pocket, but I did come back with lots of wonderful memories, and so many parts of Ireland in my mind that I probably sound a bit foggy this morning. We’ll lay it to jet lag. I don’t know where to begin to […]