Captured By a Wild Flight of Fancy

Captured By a Wild Flight of Fancy

Have you ever seen a picture of a person or thing that just captured your imagination and sent your thoughts into wild flights of fancy? A house listed in Old House Dreams did that for me this morning. The mansion is white, large, imposing and beautiful. It could have been lifted from the pages of […]

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow at Our Family Cemetery

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow at Our Family Cemetery

Yesterday, I thought a lot about long ago yesterdays, years past, people who are no longer with us, and the promise of tomorrow. The weather smiled on Decoration Day at our cemetery, a cemetery that six generations of my family have honored through more than a hundred years. The weather was perfect–so chilly yesterday morning that […]



I can see her as a little girl, dark hair in braids, running down that dusty road at Etta, hoeing weeds out of the garden, her bonnet dangling down her back, or picking wildflowers for a spring bouquet. She was the middle child in the Latty family, the mischievous one who was always busy but […]

Winds of Change: Conclusion

Winds of Change: Conclusion

This is the second and final installment of my May 5, 1985 Daily Press article about the tornado which destroyed Peggs, Oklahoma on May 2, 1920. In 1920, Walter Neel lived with his parents, brothers and sisters on the Gid Morgan farm, two and a fourth miles southeast of Peggs. The storm went a mile […]

Winds of Change

Winds of Change

Since it is the 97  year anniversary of the Peggs tornado, and although I re-published it last year at this time, I do so again today. For a time, I wrote feature stories for The Tahlequah Daily Press. On May 5, 1985, The Press published an article I wrote about the tornado that destroyed Peggs, […]

The House I Live In

The House I Live In

Yesterday, as I drove back from Oklahoma, I heard Frank Sinatra sing, The House I Live In. It’s a stirring song about America and many of the things that are right about our country. The song seemed particularly appropriate because I had just driven through some beautiful countryside and was thinking about the beauty of springtime […]