Things My Mama Taught Me

Things My Mama Taught Me

  All the good things that I believe and am, came from my parents. And the not-so-good? Well, I’ve  managed those things on my own. This morning I was thinking about things my mother taught me. I had never really tried to itemize them, they were just there. To list them would be like trying […]

A Month of a Magical Memory

A Month of a Magical Memory

  October is a magical month for me. It’s the month I realized a lifelong dream, the dream of going to Ireland. It was only a short visit and left me longing to go back for a longer one. But, I’m so grateful I got to visit the land of my ancestors, glad that I […]

A Lesson Taught By the Sewing Machine

A Lesson Taught By the Sewing Machine

It is a very old sewing machine and not a whole one, at that. Years ago, my mother removed the head and made a place for my typewriter to rest. Many years later, the typewriter was replaced by my laptop computer and now, it’s a display table for my grandchildren’s pictures. Mom bought it for […]

A Celebration of a Life Well Lived

A Celebration of a Life Well Lived

I think of my dad every day but on this day, there is a particular vacancy, because Dad isn’t here and I can’t hear him sing those old songs, see him dance a jig, or bake him his favorite pie. But, I can remember. And I do. I’ve written about him a lot, both here and […]

Never Trust a Goat with Yellow Eyes

Never Trust a Goat with Yellow Eyes

  When I was a child, my parents, younger brother and I lived for a time on a farm far back in the woods. Trees and bushes and thickets surrounded our house and barn. This is the same place that had the long driveway which was a good race track for a black horse and […]

Summer School at Etta

Summer School at Etta

  Times have changed and so have school terms. Today’s blog is the conclusion of the segment begun yesterday about the summer term at Etta Bend around 1915. This is taken from my book, The Heritage of Etta Bend. Although the picture is of an old-time school, it isn’t Etta. The words and story are my mother’s, […]