Rain, a Hundred Years Ago

Rain, a Hundred Years Ago

  On this rainy spring day, I’m thinking about long ago Etta and my Latty family. It would be dark on the farm at this hour, house lit only by kerosene lamps, no outdoor lights at all. Pappy would take a lantern as he walked through the rain, across the road to the barn to […]

More Than What It Appears

More Than What It Appears

My dining table is traveling incognito. Sure, it looks like what it is–a wood table that has seen a lot of use,  but it’s actually more than it appears to be.  My mother bought the table years ago after she saw it sitting on someone’s front porch. She stopped and asked if it was for […]

Gathered Around the Hearthfire — II

Gathered Around the Hearthfire — II

  My guest blogger this morning is my niece Missy Albrecht. The stories are some my brother Tracy Day told her. They are family stories, handed down from generation to generation. Storytelling is the oldest form of entertainment and also of oral history, often told as families gathered around the hearthfire after a day’s work. […]

The Emerald of the Atlantic

The Emerald of the Atlantic

  Green fields of every shade imaginable  could be the reason Ireland is known as the emerald isle. The country itself is small, about the size of the state of Indiana. Population is 6.4 million with a million of the people living in Dublin. It reminds me of a jewel, truly an emerald surrounded by […]

The Fairy Forts of Ireland

  Our bus driver and guide on the trip around Ireland was Bill Mahoney. I wish Bill could have sat down with us and talked more in-depth about the many intriguing places we saw from our bus windows or stopped at to briefly explore. Bill was a walking encyclopedia of Ireland and knew so much […]

When the Jonquils Bloom

When the jonquils bloom in the spring, I think of her–my sister Helen. Maybe it’s because of her March birthday, maybe it’s because those first flowers are so welcome after winter and are such a cheerful sight. My sister was a cheerful, upbeat, lovely person. Some people make the world a better place simply by being. […]