We’ve had wonderful autumn rain lately and it has been a blessing. This morning, I’m thinking backward about a hundred years and imagining what it might have been like at the Levi and Edna Latty Farm, my grandparents’ farm, in the early part of the twentieth century. It would be dark on the farm at […]
Armistice Day!
It was a different kind of world in 1918. Woodrow Wilson was our 28th President. Postage stamps were two cents, a loaf of bread cost a dime and a gallon of gasoline was eight cents. An epidemic of Spanish flu ravaged the country, causing more than 500,000 deaths. Some of the popular songs were Over […]
Walking Home
When my mother was a little girl, she walked to visit friends. When it came time for her to go home, her friend would walk her part way. Then, Mom would turn and walk her friend back. I don’t know how long they kept doing this, but, I’m sure, for two little girls, it was […]
Memories of Dad
Today is my dad’s birthday. I’ve written about him a lot, both here and in my books. Only, in my books he wasn’t called by his name, Bob Day, rather, he showed up here and there as admirable traits in male characters. I couldn’t resist mixing a little of his honesty, strength, and trustworthiness into […]

A Tattered Book
Yesterday, I happened upon a very old diary! It was a 5-year diary and, oh joy! it began in 1953! Can you believe it? I’ve always preferred reading diaries or journals of people who lived through old times because to me those are the truest accounts. This was evidently the journal of a young farm […]

In the Untamed Woods
This morning, I came across an account I’d almost forgotten about. It’s written by my grandmother’s uncle and came by way of the Indian Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma. What degree of an uncle would he be to me? I haven’t the slightest, but his grandfather would have been my third great-grandfather. I found this […]