

You know, I realize that I have all I want for Christmas: my family, freedom, health, friends, contentment.  I remember asking Dad what he wanted for Christmas. He’d always say, “For everybody to be well.” That says it all, doesn’t it? The things we want are the things that money can’t buy and are lasting. […]

Who Was His Mother?

As Christmas approaches, I think of Mary, the mother of Jesus. God entrusted her with the care of His Son. Mary was a special, wonderful person and a perfect example of the importance of motherhood. Examples of godly women are scattered throughout the Bible. The mother of King Hezekiah is one of those. Hezekiah’s father […]



My brothers, Thurman, Tracy, and Richard, my brother-in-law Ray served in the Navy; my husband in the Army; my nephew Clint joined the Marines. They all came back home, all except Clint. We lost him to an awful place called Viet Nam. I think of Clint often and especially on Memorial Day. The United States […]



What would we do without hope? It’s more than a wish–it’s a yearning and a belief that somewhere, out in the future, things will get better. Hope rises with the sun each morning, but it doesn’t set as the sun sinks westward. Hope lives on, through even the darkest night. As the sun slid westward […]

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day

  Being a mom is the best thing I’ve ever done. I’m so grateful for my son and his family. Being a grandma is the frosting on the cake. What wonderful blessings! This morning, Matt and Nathan are fixing lunch for Dawn and me. Now, how special is that! To all mothers everywhere–you are the […]

If My People

If My People

Today is the National Day of Prayer. I hope that people of faith in God will pray for the United States of America as we’ve never prayed before. A friend and I were talking last night and we agreed that prayer changes things; prayer is not a place of last resort, it should be our […]