The Artist and the Farm Wife

The Artist and the Farm Wife

She was born Lydia Head  in South Carolina in 1824 and married James Barker in 1847. Lydia and James worked hard on their farm in Georgia.  Children came along, one of them being my great-grandmother Serepta Catherine Barker Willis. Life must have been hard but good for Lydia until something happened to change it all. […]

Defying the Darkness

Defying the Darkness

It was a tiny, striped chipmunk, about one-third the size of D. C. the cat. D. C. had stalked her prey and the chipmunk had run until it had no place to go. Behind it was the corner of the yard with no escape route. I’m sure that small rodent’s heart was about to hammer […]

In the Tornado’s Path

This morning my heart is heavy for those who were in the path of the storm in Moore, Oklahoma. Yesterday afternoon a monster storm roared into town, obliterating much of it, destroying lives and shattering hearts. When I hear about the children who died in the school, I confess that I can’t comprehend nor understand. […]

The Gift of a New Day

This morning as the dawn seems slow in coming, my thoughts flutter here and there like the butterflies my grandson’s kindergarten class released last week. Prayers go to those in the Oklahoma City area; Shawnee and surrounding towns. I’m thankful for the safety of family and friends and saddened by knowing that not everyone escaped […]

The Garden

The Garden

“And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there He put the man whom He had formed…And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day” (Genesis  2:8; 3:8). I wonder if that’s why gardens hold such an attraction, the fact that a […]

Praying Upside Down

The Prayer of Cyrus Brown “Last year I fell in Hodgkins’ well headfirst,” said Cyrus Brown, “With both my heels a-stickin’ up, my head a-pintin’ down, “An’ I made a prayer right then and there, Best prayer I ever said, “The prayingest prayer I ever prayed was standin’ on my head.”         […]