Enjoy the Good Medicine

Guest blogger Helen Hoover, prolific writer and one of the famed Cozy Critters, shares here a devotional she has previously published in a Christian periodical. “I found mouse droppings in a kitchen drawer,” my friend, Kay, e-mailed. “I cleaned out the kitchen drawers and shelves and then had a trash bag full of stuff I hadn’t used […]

Past, Present, Future

Past, Present, Future

I love it when the past and the present come together in a harmonious grouping. This picture represents four generations. The table was my mother’s. My niece Missy made the pretty autumn table runner. Although I didn’t assemble it, the centerpiece is mine and sitting smugly among the chrysanthemums is a small owl Sara gave me […]

Wisdom Versus Violence

The ripple and splash of the water fountain in my container garden is a welcome sound in the darkness of early morning. The roar of motorcycles over in Fayetteville hasn’t yet begun. This is the weekend of the Bikes, Blues, and BBQ festival and thousands of cycles sort of overlay more fragile sounds. My thoughts, […]

Stumbling, Staggering, or Standing?

Here’s a question for you: Suppose it’s night and you are sitting in a lighted room. You open the door. Does the night outside of the door become lighter or the light inside the room become darker? In other words, does light spill into the night or does the darkness spill into the lighted room? […]

The Raging Tempest

The Raging Tempest

Hurricane Matthew is a raging tempest and has wreaked death and destruction in the Caribbean. It is now pounding the southeastern shores of the United States. We received ample warning that something deadly was heading toward our coast. Many people believed and either battened down or got out of the way. I’m amazed at the ones who scoffed at […]

Thirteen Years Later

Thirteen Years Later

On this dampish day, with the promise of fall weather moving in, I look out at the dark morning and am grateful for life. I’m grateful for my loved ones and I’m grateful for America. I am here because I had the good fortune to be born in this land of the free, as did my parents […]