Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

Can you imagine the joy of the Lord’s followers on that first Easter morning? The stone had been rolled away. The tomb was empty. Death could not hold the Son of God. He is risen. He is risen indeed! Because of Easter, hope stirs within us and our spirits open to the magnificence of new life. Because […]

What Was Good About It?

What Was Good About It?

I think Good Friday is misnamed. How could the day that the Lord Jesus died have been called anything but horrible, heart-breaking, anguished? An explanation is that it was once called “God’s Friday” but through translation, was interpreted as Good Friday. We might think of it as good because, even though it was the day the Lord was crucified, it […]

Age-Old Problems; Ancient Answers

Age-Old Problems; Ancient Answers

Yesterday was a cold, wet, dark day. Who could guess that the first day of spring is just around the corner? It felt like winter to me! A good antidote was gathering at Fran’s house for her springtime Retreat to refresh and refocus. The day began with a yummy breakfast and a nice chat with […]

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given” (Isaiah 9:6). Merry Christmas!

In the Darkness of a Stable

In the Darkness of a Stable

As I sit at my computer on Christmas Eve, enjoying a cup of coffee and listening to the wind blow through the trees, I think of people who are waking up to pain and grief this morning, maybe because of yesterday’s tornadoes, maybe because of illness or death and I wonder how we can have […]

The Noise of the Storm

The Noise of the Storm

This morning, a thunderstorm popped, roared, and pounded the house. Nemo was pretty nervous. Putting his harness on him seemed to help, sort of like the thunder shirts I see advertised. He followed me around, silently asking for reassurance. He would not leave my side. So, I patted him and told him everything would be fine. It […]