Wisdom in Short Supply

Wisdom in Short Supply

“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God’” (Psalm 14:1). That pretty much sums up the Lord’s opinion of Atheists. But, here’s a question: if we ignore God’s laws and what He says is right or wrong, preferring to take some other person’s or group’s beliefs, aren’t we pretty much agreeing with […]

Defying the Darkness

Defying the Darkness

It was a tiny, striped chipmunk, about one-third the size of D. C. the cat. D. C. had stalked her prey and the chipmunk had run until it had no place to go. Behind it was the corner of the yard with no escape route. I’m sure that small rodent’s heart was about to hammer […]

How Is Your Eye?

How Is Your Eye?

Our Sunday School lesson was on a Bible passage that many of us have read again and again. The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. So if […]

Her Name Was Abi

Her Name Was Abi

Hezekiah’s father was one of the most wicked kings Judah had ever known. Ahaz brought back the worship of Baal. Judah reeled under the influence of this ungodly king who even sacrificed one of his sons to the heathen god. Yet, he married a godly woman, Abi or Abijah, who was the daughter of Zechariah, spiritual counselor […]

When the Morning is Dark

When the Morning is Dark

In a distant neighbor’s yard, sunlight brightens the top of a tall tree. Here, the trees are still in shadow but a cardinal sits atop a dark branch, looking down at the dampish grass as the sunlight edges ever closer. In the darkness, the cardinal is like a small, red flame. Isn’t life like that at […]

A Quick Trip Back to Judah

A Quick Trip Back to Judah

The train announces its arrival downtown. I’ve gotten used to its sound now and if I moved away, I’d miss it. It’s one of those things that make a town what it is. The train on one side; the interstate on the other side, and in between the sound of early morning robins. A bluejay […]