The Sight of a Blind Man

The Sight of a Blind Man

It was just another day in the life of Bartimaeus. He sat beside the road in the dust, the sun beating down on his head and back, hoping that a few kind-hearted people who passed by would give him enough money to buy food. That’s the way many blind people made a living in those […]

He Is Risen

Can you imagine the joy of the Lord’s followers on that first Easter morning? The stone had been rolled away. The tomb was empty. Death could not hold the Son of God. He is risen. He is risen indeed! Because of Easter, hope stirs within us and our spirits open to the magnificence of new life. Because […]

The Easter Egg Tree

The following story is an excerpt from The Heritage of Etta Bend, a story my mother told me about her childhood in northeast Oklahoma. The “I” is my mother, Susie Latty Day. Mom told me this story and I wrote it to be included in The Heritage of Etta Bend in 1989. It was spring, […]

A Special Friday

How could the day that the Lord Jesus died have been called anything but horrible, heart-breaking, anguished? An explanation is that it was once called “God’s Friday” but through translation, was interpreted as Good Friday. Then, there is the German word, Karfreitag,  sorrowful or suffering Friday. Whatever it is called, it is a day for us […]

The First Basic Right

Tomorrow is Sanctity of Life Sunday,  begun by President Ronald Reagan in 1984. It is a day to commemorate the sacredness of human life and call attention to the many lives lost due to abortion.  I am unashamedly pro-life. I believe I’ve heard all the arguments from pro-choice people. I don’t wish to hear more. […]

The Day of the Wise Men

Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem — (Matthew 2:1). Today is the day Christians celebrate the Epiphany, when wise men from the East bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, came to find and worship […]