
What would we do without hope? It’s more than a wish–it’s a yearning and a belief that somewhere, out in the future, things will get better. Hope rises with the sun each morning, but it doesn’t set as the sun sinks westward. Hope lives on, through even the darkest night. As the sun slid westward […]

In the Face of Danger

In the Face of Danger

A cool wind stirs the leaves on the maple. The leaves are, one by one and in bunches, turning to gold and orange. With a lot of green mixed it, the tree is really beautiful. We need rain, but not as badly as the people in Colorado and California and other states, particularly in the […]

Hope and Tomorrow

When night closes in, what would we do without the hope of tomorrow? As the sun slides westward, another day with its troubles and puzzles comes to a close, but tomorrow will be a brand new day. Perhaps problems will be solved or on the way to being solved–tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow the homeless man asking […]

With No Warning

With No Warning

I’m afraid that most of the time, I take life, freedom, family for granted. I go along, day by day, expecting everything to remain the same. But sometimes, things change suddenly and unexpectedly, as they did on this day nineteen years ago for all of us. Each person in the hijacked airplanes, in the twin […]

A Light in the Lighthouse

A Light in the Lighthouse

Lighthouses have always fascinated me. I’ve never viewed one up close but some day, I’d like to. It would be interesting to purposely set out to tour American lighthouses, especially those on the east coast. You won’t find lighthouses in calm waters or tucked securely away from the danger of storms. Lighthouses stand in precarious, […]

Peace and Quiet

Peace and Quiet

On the north side of my house is a happy tangle of ferns, hostas, violets and lily-of-the-valley. I call this my woods garden. For one thing, it grows without much help from me. For another, this pretty group of flowers reminds me of taking a walk through the woods. They like to sink their little […]