This is Part 2 of the Fanciful Fox Tale begun yesterday. I’ll have to wait until Friday to write the conclusion because the Cozy Critters are due to be here today and Thursday I’ll be telling you what they’ve been up to. Slipping from bush to rock, Buz followed the shepherds. Every once in a […]

A Fanciful Flight with a Fox
A few years ago, I wrote a children’s imaginary tale about a fox and how the birth of Christ changed him. I meant to illustrate the story and bind it into two small books: one for my grandchildren and one for the grandchildren of a dear friend. Somehow, even though I finished it, it was […]
Buz, the Fox (Conclusion)
·Slipping from bush to rock, Buz followed the shepherds. Every once in a while, the shepherds would pause and point to the sky. At last, they stopped in front of a stable in Bethlehem. They spoke and someone inside the stable answered. Then, the shepherds slowly stepped inside. Did Buz dare get closer to these […]
Buz, the Fox
You see, it might have happened this way: Once upon a time, about two thousand years ago, there were foxes who dwelt in the hill country and plains around Bethlehem. They followed, at a safe distance, of course, the flocks of sheep that shepherds led here and there to find tasty grass for them to […]