Today is what has been designated Sanctitiy of Life Sunday. Since January 22, 1973, more than 57 million of the weakest, the smallest, the most innocent Americans have died legally in the United States of America. It is hard to write this without crying. Babies are miracles, made in the image of God. They should be […]

A Tale of a Magnificent Tail (and how it got to be that way)
This is the shortest day of the year. In fact, according to those who know, it arrived at 4:44 a.m. CST. I was awake to welcome this momentous moment. True to custom, as I have every year for a while, I’m going to present the story of Buz the Fox. It’s a Christmas story and […]

And There Sat Ginger Ed
This is the conclusion of the children’s mystery story. Yesterday (Wednesday) my sister-in-law Linda and I went to Fran’s St. Pat’s luncheon. I made some pictures as did Jane. I’ll post them and the impressions of the luncheon tomorrow. But right now, on to Ginger Ed! Sally scrunched her eyes tight shut and counted sheep. […]

A Brand-New Buz
This is the conclusion to my Fanciful Fox Fable. I hope you or your children or grandchildren have enjoyed the story of Buz who went to Bethlehem and was changed forever by the Baby in the manger. The little foot snuggled into the fur on Buz’s chest and stopped wriggling. “Look, he’s asleep,” someone said. “He’s […]