A few years ago, I wrote a children’s imaginary tale about a fox and his trip to a manger in Bethlehem. I post it every year before Christmas. So, it’s that time again; the first part today, the conclusion tomorrow. I hope you and the child in your life enjoy it. Buz the Fox […]

Stay Alert and Trim and Fit
You may have read this rhymed story before today, on a previous post, or, if you subscribed to Turtle Magazine in 1990, you may have read it in the August issue. This morning, I got up thinking of how joy is essential in a person’s life and, of course, if we feel well, it’s […]

Books to Cut Their Teeth On
·I ended that title with a preposition but it sounds stilted to say, “Books on which to cut their teeth.” Don’t you think? Anyway, sometimes what with all the iPads and tablets and laptops, I fear for the good, old-fashioned books, especially children’s books. That is, I fear until I go into a […]

A Visit from a Leprechaun
·This is a re-print of a St. Pat’s Day post I wrote a few years back. It’s still a good memory for me. Kindergarteners are eager to learn, have good imaginations, and the neat thing is, they love a game of make-believe. I’ll always remember this leprechaun episode and smile. “God needed laughter in the […]

Buz, the Hill Country Fox, Conclusion
·This is the conclusion to Buz, the Hilly Country Fox. I hope you enjoy it and maybe read it to a youngster in your life. Slipping from bush to rock, Buz followed the shepherds. Every once in a while, the shepherds would pause and point to the sky. At last, they stopped in front of […]

A Warm, Secure, and Comforting Story
Do you ever just need to retreat to some place warm and secure and comforting? I do. Yesterday, the doctor diagnosed my painful leg as having arthritis. Oh, bother! It was definitely a doughnut kind of day. Now, it is doubtful that refined, white sugar is good for arthritis, but doughnuts are a comfort food, you […]