A Squirrely Problem

A Squirrely Problem

This is a soggy morning after a rip-roarin’ wet night (or was it in the wee, small hours of the morning?) The eaves are dripping, the wet pavement glistens, and in the back yard, a cardinal enjoys a quiet breakfast, unhampered by squirrels. Yesterday, I hung my new squirrel-proof bird feeder and it works! The […]

Just Supposin’

Writing a mystery is doing a lot of just supposin’. Come with me a moment into the mysterious realms of the fourth Ned McNeil mystery. Just suppose that it was part of Ned’s job to take a picture of an old farmhouse for her boss, Daisy. But, suppose that when Ned goes inside the dark […]

Happy Birthday, Mr. Shakespeare

For goodness sake, it is not a foregone conclusion that all is doom and gloom. I refuse to budge an inch from my belief that all will be well. All the phrases in italics are attributed to William Shakespeare, that great master of words, who was born on this day in 1564 and died on this day in […]

Old Time Religion

It was not a church building. It was a schoolhouse. As I remember, it was painted white. There may have been a dividing curtain inside the house so that when school was in session, the teacher of the early grades could separate her classroom from the teacher and children of the upper grades. A schoolhouse […]

The Sight of a Blind Man

The Sight of a Blind Man

It was just another day in the life of Bartimaeus. He sat beside the road in the dust, the sun beating down on his head and back, hoping that a few kind-hearted people who passed by would give him enough money to buy food. That’s the way many blind people made a living in those […]

In a Nutshell

Have you ever asked someone the time and she tells you how to build a clock? Sometimes a simple answer is better than a long one. This morning, I’ve listed my eight cozy mysteries and described each one with only three words. Do you agree? How would you describe each of them, using only three […]