Are You a June Bug?

Are you a June Bug? If you’re one of those lucky people born this month, you’ve got a lot of good things going for you. First, there’s your birthstone–you have two of them! The pearl and the Alexandrite are yours. Flowers? Also two–the rose and the honeysuckle. So, you’re bright and shiny, have infinite value, […]

Somewhere Along the Way

Be sure you treasure them–those actual letters hand-written on paper by a loved one–because getting letters the old-fashioned way in a metal mailbox is getting to be a thing of the past. We’ve lost the appreciation of hand-written greetings somewhere along the way. I used to get personal mail delivered by our mail carrrier–lovely birthday […]

Eight Years Ago

Things change through the years, don’t they? Hopes are not realized or take a different path, kind of like a rocket aiming for the moon but veering off course. People change, groups and ambitions change. Yet, we rise with each new morning, hoping for the best for a new day, a new year, a new […]

Affected By What You Read

I’m loving those stories my friends tell me, about their reactions to my cozy mysteries. One of my dear friends has just finished By the Fright of the Silvery Moon. She likes the way Ned, Pat, and Jackie get together for coffee and to talk over their latest dilemma. The really neat part, though, is […]

Heroes Who Never Returned

Do you recall the story of Francis Scott Key and how he came to write The Star Spangled Banner? British ships bombarded Ft. McHenry all night and when morning came, Mr. Key anxiously scanned the sky to see whether the American flag still waved at the fort. The morning light finally revealed that magnificent banner, […]

Lady in the Lamplight

Dear children, after some delay I take my pen in hand in answer to your most welcome letter which I received and should have bin answered sooner but there is much of my time that it is almost all I can do to attend to my every day affairs so I hope you will excuse […]