A moment when my dignity took a fall happened a few years back. It all started like this: my family and I went out to eat at a popular restaurant after church. Other people had the same idea so we had to put our name on a waiting list for a table. Along one side […]
Hurt Feelings
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” John 8:32. I think we all struggle with hurt feelings. Feelings are hurt by what someone said or did, or didn’t do. Often, the person who hurt our feelings didn’t do it purposely. But sometimes, I’m afraid, he or she does. I […]
And Here Is August
Good morning all you August people (and everyone else). If you have an August birthday, you were born in an interesting month–a month with a history. To start with, it was once called Sextilis and was the sixth month. Then, along came powerful Augustus Caesar. It was renamed August in the year 8 B.C. The […]
A Tattered Book
Yesterday, I happened upon a very old diary! It was a 5-year diary and, oh joy! it began in 1953! Can you believe it? I’ve always preferred reading diaries or journals of people who lived through old times because to me those are the truest accounts. This was evidently the journal of a young farm […]
Poetically Speaking
I’ve kept a lot of my writings, especially those that sold to various magazines. I stuffed a lot of past writing sales into an old three-ring notebook. These two poems were written a long time ago to two different Christian children’s magazines of widely differing beliefs. But, you know what? Both magazines’ editors liked poems. […]
A Jingle a Day
·When you have a good thing going, why would you try to change it? Remember the phrase, “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it”? I wonder that about a lot of things. One thing that puzzles me is why manufacturers or agencies change an advertisement that is working fine. Sometimes after watching a flashy commercial complete with all […]