Feeling out of sorts? Mad at the world? Blame that silvery disc way up there above us. It’s the moon’s fault. The moon has such a strong hold on the earth that it causes the ebb and flow of tides, but does it influence people? We are 50% to 75% water, so how could it not?
But, does it influence human behavior to the point of overcoming good sense? Is the moon really to blame? One thing is sure–it’s fun to build mysteries around it. The last four of my cozies have centered around the way moonlight may or may not have been the culprit in some chilling happenings.
“We had a full moon the other night,” Dink said. “Did you notice?”
Oh, yes, I had noticed.
Without waiting for my answer, he continued, “Not that I’m superstitious or nothin’ like that, but, well, the full moon sure affects some people some times. There’s an old story that on the night the Decker man died, the moon was as bright as day, and, if I’m not mistaken, there was a full moon the night Javin Granger died too.” – Moonlight Can Be Murder, page 87.
Who stole the missing Moonlight book??? We must find the thief!
Oh yes, indeed.
Indeed, we must. I probably snapped that picture before the third one came out. And now, there’s a fourth moonlight book.
Right. I think I snapped that picture before Moonstruck and Murderous was published.
Sometimes you can’t appreciate a full moon because clouds get in the way! Great that you can fit the moon in your book.
Right! I enjoy building the cozies around the full moon and the possibility that some of the meanness might be blamed on moonlight!