In the days when my grandparents, Levi and Edna Latty, were on their farm at Etta, my grandfather looked forward to the January thaw, those few January days when winter paused to take a deep breath and remember that spring would soon be on its way. During the January thaw, Pappy would hitch his team […]
Keeping Out the Cold
·January can be a bleak month. It’s winter. It’s cold. Trees are bare. Grass looks like it has forgotten the word green. We’ve had a few days of comparative warmth and sunshine but now, a polar vortex is aimed squarely at us and is barrelling this way. Blah. Nemo and I are blessed with a […]
A Winter Morning
It’s cold this morning, but not as cold as one year ago when the temperature was a shivery two degrees! The winter birds are enjoying the squirrel-proof feeder and I enjoy watching them enjoy it! Juncos, chickadees, finches, and cardinals–they need the oil in the black sunflower seeds, especially in this weather. Last night, the […]
·Silence by Blanche Day Manos A soft and drowsy, downy day, the sky is furry, blurry gray; No wind to blow the snow away In patches. The trees are draped with frozen lace, the meadow is an arctic place; And house and barn, with wintry grace Wear thatches.