And What Is So Rare as a Sunny Day?

And What Is So Rare as a Sunny Day?


Rain running in rivulets down the driveway and into the street, raindrops spattering the deck and sliding off leaves, rain drumming, drumming on the roof–it’s a great way to start the day. Sunny days are getting to be a rarity.

I’m excited about the upcoming release of Moonstruck and Murderous. Soon, I’ll reveal the entire cover picture. I like all the cover pictures on the Ned books as well as those on the Darcy and Floras, but this may be my favorite. The artist has managed to illustrate the story plot in the full moon, a three-storied mansion, and a small animal. All these are within the pages of Moonstruck. And, more besides. 

Are you ever tempted to turn to the last page of a book before finishing it, just to see how it turns out? Please, resist that temptation! Don’t give in to that urge! If you start to do so, repeat after me, “No, no, no. This is a mystery. Mysteries unfold a bit at a time.” Now, having said that, here’s an interesting thing that I’ve noticed with all Ned’s moonlight books. They end with a time of togetherness. There! That’s all I’m going to say.

Keep watching for that cover picture. And then, please tell me what you think about it. Here’s a clue–although there’s lots of rain within the pages of Moonstruck, there’s none on the cover. But, there is a big, round, beautiful moon.

Manos Mysteries–They have an extra shiver.

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