A Special Place

A Special Place

Fran’s luncheons are always a special time and her house is a special place. I am convinced she and her husband have green thumbs because their front and back yards are a-bloom with flowers and vines. Inside the front door, a warm welcome meets each guest as friends call hello and Fran is ready with a warm hug.

Today, Miss Kitty favored us with a brief visit. Always the gracious hostess, she was making sure her visitors were happy and well-fed. She is every inch a little lady. I believe I’ve told you that small orange cat impressed me so much I put her in the fourth Darcy and Flora book, Grave Heritage, due to be released by Pen-L Publishing  this September.

Fran’s perennially decorated Christmas tree stands in the entry. 100_2629Yesterday, it was adorned with small American flags and colors of red, white, and blue. This was, after all, the July luncheon.

Old pictures, cookie jars, and other collectibles vie for attention on Fran’s walls and on top of tables and shelves. It would take a long while to really look at them all.100_2624 I was the happy recipient of some of her collection of antique postcards. I’ll be sharing them with you on future posts. One has a poem about a chamber pot. Funny!

The food, as always, was yummy. Nancy brought a patriotic cheese cake which was as delicious as it looked.100_2630 I headed straight for the coffee pot. Fran and I share an enthusiasm for Folger’s. The only problem with Fran’s luncheons is that there’s so much to choose from, I just give up and sample it all! My taste buds thank me but my figure does not.

Typically warm July weather smiled on us today. Rain sometimes accompanies a luncheon and in winter, there are times when snow threatens.100_2631No matter what the weather, it is always warm inside Fran’s house with friendship, laughter, and an array of enticing food, a time I enjoy.100_2625


  1. Thank you for this great post, such a blessing to read! And you took great pictures! And brought a great guest! Tell Linda those really were the best-ever strawberries!

    Miss Kitty was delighted to hear she’s in your next book! I suppose she’ll want her own autographed copy!

    I knew you’d like that chamber pot card! Have you found the one about Folger’s coffee yet?

    We sure enjoyed your beans and cornbread! Thanks again for being a part of my fun doings!
    You’re a blessing!

    • Thanks, Fran. I appreciate your kind words. I haven’t found the Folger’s card yet, but I will. I’ve sent copies of The Chamber Pot to my brothers.

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