A Little Here, A Small Bit There

A Little Here, A Small Bit There

Saturday again. Does it seem to anyone else that the weekend is much longer than the other five days put together? Monday barely gets underway ’til the hump day arrives and it’s downhill from there.

At the end of the day or the end of the week, do you take stock of what has gone before? Have you noticed that the days and weeks are made up of bunches of small things, a smidgen of activity here, a tidbit of something different there.

A long time ago, a young mother told me that some days she didn’t feel she was accomplishing much until she went to bed and looked back on things. By the time night arrived, she had accomplished a lot.

I don’t think mothers and fathers ever have to wonder what happened to their allotted twenty-four hours in the day. Children’s needs, activities, and their own business fill the days so completely that I often wonder how they accomplish it all.

At retirement, life proceeds at a different pace; more leisurely in places but still just as busy in others. With retirement, I’ve found that I have more time to pursue what I really love and the busy-ness of the day includes many happy hours spent writing or painting or with my grandchildren. And I love it!

Sometimes at night as I lie in bed, snatches of conversation come back to me; they warm my heart better than a blanket.

“Keep a stiff upper lip,” my brother told me.

“Let it slide off like water off a duck’s back,” Mom was fond of saying.

“You never know what you can do ’til you try.”

And, the best of all, “I love you, Mem.”

The day is made up of








  1. Sharon Rose Mierke says

    Your blog today reminded me of a scripture my mother used to always like to quote:
    Proverbs 19:24! Sometimes when the kids were small, I used to feel I hadn’t accomplished anything; however, one day a friend asked me what I did all day so I wrote everything down. I discovered I had accomplished a lot!!

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