A Light in the Lighthouse

A Light in the Lighthouse

Lighthouses have always fascinated me. I’ve never viewed one up close but some day, I’d like to. It would be interesting to purposely set out to tour American lighthouses, especially those on the east coast.

You won’t find lighthouses in calm waters or tucked securely away from the danger of storms. Lighthouses stand in precarious, treacherous places. Their foundations are sure and secure, made to remain when they are battered by the worst storms. Winds hammer them, the seas tear at them, but they don’t crumble. They have a job to do and they do it proudly–they warn ships of dangerous rocks and perilous shore lines.

I’m sure there have been times when, for some reason, the light has gone out of a lighthouse. Sailors caught in a storm would search for the beacon that let them know their position, but the light was not there. Ships and lives were lost when the warning light went out.

As I watch the news and read newspapers, I can’t help but think that our world is being buffeted and threatened by many, many storms, by fierce, angry winds and torrential, blinding rains. Threats come at us from every direction; freedoms are in peril, lives are being lost, and sometimes it’s hard to find a safe harbor, or even know where hazardous rocks lie.

Followers of Christ are meant to be lighthouses. It’s up to us to stand firm on our belief and keep the beacon of faith shining.



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