A Bolt Out of the Blue

A Bolt Out of the Blue

Go inside the house if a thunderstorm approaches. Don’t stand under a tree to get out of the rain. If you can’t find a safe indoor place, hunker down on the ground, making as small a target as possible. We all know you shouldn’t mess around with lightning. Yet, on this date in 1752, Ben Franklin, one of our country’s leading historical figures, did just that. He flew a kite during a thunderstorm and collected a charge in a Leyden jar, demonstrating the electrical nature of lightning. How can you collect a charge in a Leyden jar? I’ve no idea, but Ben did. What a jolt from a bolt!

Why did he do that? I think curiosity must have been the major force in Ben’s life. He was an inventor, a writer, and he signed four fundamental documents of our country–the Declaration of Independence,the Treaty of Alliance with France, the Treaty of Paris, and the Constitution.

Mr. Franklin also developed a library, city hospital, insurance company, and an academy which became the University of Pennsylvania. 

Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid. In this world, nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes. Half a truth is often a great lie. All of these sayings and many more are attributed to Mr. Franklin.

He was a great man who led a fascinating, productive life. I wonder how he ever found time to eat and sleep. He wasn’t born a rich man, he was one of seventeen children, yet he earned a place in our history books and his legacy is boundless.

But, you know what? There’s a little book called Ben and Me by Robert Lawson. I love that book. True, it’s a children’s book, but so much can be learned from children’s books! If you missed this one, you’ve missed reading about a fearless, loyal, and highly intelligent little mouse named Amos who liked to snuggle down in Ben’s furry cap and give him sound advice. A delightful read.

Like a lightning bolt from the blue, inspiration may appear to you. A wise saying attributed to Anonymous.

Or, another wise saying by the same person: A writer with a vacant look is busy plotting her next book.

Blanche Day Manos mysteries



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