Have you every tried running through the raindrops and dancing through the showers? Figuratively speaking, that’s what we Cozy Critters did yesterday. Determined not to let the wet and stormy weather get us down, we sat with coffee cups at hand around the hundred year-old table and shared about books, writing, life’s challenges, and our views about life in general.
Remember what love feels like. This is a quote from an inspirational piece Jane wrote recently. Sure enough, as she has done so many times, Jane awoke at one o’clock in the morning with a wonderful article going through her mind. The idea for this story came about because one of her friends had recently come through a difficult time. of decision. This friend had to give away a beloved pet and, although she hated doing so, she felt that it was time to leave some things behind and move on. Therefore, Jane titled her piece, Turning a Page in Your Book of Life. She also included a quote from Stephen King, “You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will.”
Nancy is writing a story for Chicken Soup for the Soul. This is an offering for their book, Step Out of Your Comfort Zone. We Critters were privileged to critique Through the Glass Doors for Nancy. It referred to the challenge of doing something entirely different, something that perhaps we are not comfortable with when we begin, but something that is worthwhile and will help us to grow in compassion and understanding.
This weekend, Nancy plans to go to Omaha where she will teach a class on blogging.
Peg is busy with church life and reaching out to those in need but still has time to read. When the Grits Hit the Fan by Maddie Day is one of the cozy mysteries she enjoyed. (As an aside: I wonder if Maddie and I are related. My maiden name is Day.)
Peg has also read Of Books and Bagpipes by Paige Sheldon.
I’ve read two really, really good books lately. One of them is Under an English Heaven by Alice K. Boatwright. This is an exceptionally well-written book and I highly recommend it. The other book is in the process of being read. It too is most interesting and draws the reader right into the story, A Lady in the Smoke by Karen Odden.
The storm, high waters, and muddy roads kept Carolyn from attending yesterday’s critique. We missed her as she always contributes so much to discussion and sharing. Hopefully, she’ll be able to come to the next meeting.
Keeping a positive outlook is a way of dancing through the raindrops and not letting the storms of life get inside and dampen our spirits. Having friends with whom we feel free to discuss whatever is on our hearts helps us through some dark days. Sometimes our discussions range far afield. Because of Nancy’s inspirational article for Chicken Soup for the Soul, we discussed times when we’ve dared to step out of our own comfort zones.
We Critters are our own support group and sometimes just airing our feelings helps us put things in perspective. As Jane said, we are friends first, last and always.

Manos Meadows Mysteries
Cozies with an Extra Shiver
This very rainy weather naturally brings to mind the last Darcy and Flora cozy mystery, Grave Heritage. You know, the one where July was the wettest, stormiest month ever. Darcy and Flora were caught between a murderer and a flood, but that was just one of their many challenges.
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