Most of us wear lots of hats during our lifetime as have I. But the three I’ve valued most are Mom, Mem, Teacher. The reason? The children who were/are in my care. They are the most important part of my life.
Long ago when I studied geography in grade school, I remember reading about the tremendous resources of this great Nation, America. I learned about the oil, coal, water, wood, and the energetic, forward-looking people. That last resource stands above the rest–the people.
As I looked back at yesterday’s blog and thought about the many stories and poems I’ve written through the years, I remembered that I once wanted to be a best-selling children’s author. Maybe it was because as a teacher of small children, I was inspired by their creativity and joy. As I watched my napping kindergarteners a long time ago, the idea for a story came to me, full-blown. And I sold it to Cricket Magazine. It was as if they exuded such wonderful imaginations, I caught some of it. Being with my son was the same way and now, my grandchildren. They are so energetic and positive-thinking that it’s contagious.
This morning I read verses from Deuteronomy 6:6-7, “And these words which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart. And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.”
In other words, God’s directions for us are so important that we are to make them a natural, ongoing part of life, talk about them to our children from the moment we wake until we go to sleep and all in between. We are to tell and show them how important it is to love God and obey Him. Why? Because little ones are ready to soak in Truth and Trust and they need to know about God. The Bible should be their roadmap, their shield and the bedrock on which they can stand in this life of shifting values.
Someone has said that the loss of freedom is only a generation away. That’s scary but true. If our children are not taught about God and about our heritage of Freedom, how will they know? Children learn by what they are taught, by what adults say and most of all, what adults do. Their values come from our values. Yes, we have many natural resources and wonders in America. It is a beautiful, awe-inspiring Nation. but the most wonderful, beautiful and awe-inspiring resource of all? Our children. Let’s teach them well.
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