A Rumble Through the Heavens

A Rumble Through the Heavens

The leaves, grass, sidewalk are all washed clean this morning. Everything is very, very still, except for a rumble of thunder in the heavens. Fall is inching its way in and crowding out summer.

My new neighbors, just across the street, are energetic, friendly young people. They love to bicycle. Just now, they’ve wheeled their bikes onto the street, the baby in her safety seat, helmets on, and are preparing to take an early morning spin before more rain keeps them in.

And I sit looking out the window, my first cup of Folgers close at hand. Nemo feels the same as I. He loves the rain but isn’t fond of thunder so he prefers to nap the dark morning away.

A week has gone by since experiencing my first earthquake. It was certainly an unsettling feeling. The rumble then came from the ground, not from the clouds. I heard something but it sounded more like a swishing or rustling. Thinking back on it, I believe I heard the trees as their limbs trembled and leaves shook. Not a reassuring sound or feeling. And, I’m very glad I didn’t see the ground rippling as some did.

As well as writing, I’ve been doing a lot of reading. I’ll share with you some of the books I’ve found interesting during the last few days:

Lord Harrington and the Christmas Mystery by Lynn Florkiwicz and Lord Harrington and the Summer Mystery by the same author. These are gentle English cozies that draw you into a the life of Lord and Lady Harrington and their friends who set about righting wrongs and bringing criminals to justice.

Mary Wingate’s garden mysteries will keep you turning pages from start to finish. The three of hers I’ve read recently are: The Red Book of Primrose House, The Garden Plot, and Between a Rock and a Hard Place.

Another book, not a mystery, but inspirational fiction is Worth Forgiving by Janet K. Brown. Worth Forgiving is definitely worth reading.

Thank you for pre-ordering Grave Heritage! Each order boosts its ranking and when it is released (September 19, hallelujah!) please remember to write a review after you’ve read this latest Darcy and Flora mystery. Let me share with you what my publisher said about the Darcy and Flora books:  Fun! Intriguing! Shiver-inducing! Realistic! Relatable! Familiar! Inspiring! Good-hearted!

By the way, if you’re wondering what Jethro, Darcy and Flora’s cat, thinks about their move to the new house, let me tell you there is a certain hen in Flora’s chicken yard who keeps a sharp eye on him for a very good reason. img_0202However, Jethro surprises everyone with his reaction.

The other cat in Grave Heritage is Miss Kitty, who belongs to Miss Georgia and Miss Carolina. Miss Kitty, although her fur is white, is patterned after Fran’s real-life cat by the same name. file000471730727So, you can imagine this fictional feline is a gracious, generous hostess who just wants everyone to be comfortable.015

My neighbors have returned. I’m glad they won’t be getting wet. That rumble through the heavens sounded pretty sincere.

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