Here Lies the Leg of Levi

Here Lies the Leg of Levi

With a spring in their step, the Cozy Critters came to the hundred-year old table yesterday. Rain had poured and dribbled, lightning and thunder happened a little earlier, and the temperature was down- right chilly. But, with coffee, cookies, and lively discussion, we warmed up things considerably.

Judy can paint a rollicking picture of happy remembrances or move us to tears with memories of poignant times. Yesterday, she did both. Judy’s grandfather lost one of his legs in the war. That leg, declared her grandpa, deserved to be buried with dignity and respect, so a grave was dug for Grandpa’s lost limb. When he changed residences, moved to another house, he insisted that the leg be dug up and re-interred at his new home.  In case you can’t read the writing on that tombstone, it says, “Here lies the leg of Levi.” That is the lower part of a flagpole next to it  because an American flag further consecrated the site.CCI10282015_0003 (2)

Then there was Judy’s Uncle Truett and Brother Jack who was actually a talented pet. Uncle Truett had a team of mules and a wagon. He gave rides to people. Going along with him was a rooster named Brother Jack. Brother Jack rode along on a perch in the wagon. He had a leather thong attached to his perch and his leg. The reason was that Brother Jack would get sleepy and when he did, he fell off the perch. So, as Uncle Truett drove, likely as not, Brother Jack dangled by the strap from his perch, snoozing peacefully.Truett & Brother Jack (2)

Changing genres, Judy read two of her poems, Memories and Taking Off the Wedding Ring. These were personal remembrances and spoke volumes to the rest of us.

Helen gave a different kind of reading but it held us spellbound and I don’t think there was a dry eye at the table by the time she finished. She shared  a letter she had received from a woman who had read one of Helen’s devotionals in The Secret Place, The Gates of the Mountain. It was a long, intense letter about the way Helen’s words had spoken directly to this stranger and the particular encouragement she had received from reading. Her letter blessed us who were listening today too. It was a stirring reminder of the power of words. We never know how far-reaching the written or spoken word is going to be. Words are important and putting them together as Helen does is a particular gift from God.

Also, words are never out-dated. They don’t wear out. They stay as bright and polished as the moment they were minted. Jane proved this by reading a poem that she wrote thirty-five years ago. She had written it for the fiftieth anniversary of Lonnie’s aunt and uncle. It detailed the exciting life of these relatives, from mining for gold to being an auctioneer. “He could sell snow to the Eskimos” people said of his auctioneering abilities.

Peg, of the discerning eye, shared with us what she is currently reading, The Woman Who Walked in Sunshine by Alexander McCall Smith and Death Under Glass by Jennifer McAndrews. What drew her to these books? The characters! Characterization is so important. Characters make the story, move it along, and stay with us long after the book is closed. Thanks, Peg, for telling us about these books. The first one isn’t a cozy but the second one is.

And I? Well, I read the next to the last chapter I’ve written on Grave Heritage. And, I told them that Moonlight Can Be Murder will be out November 1! Exciting news! And the Critters are excited right along with me. I can hardly wait for you to read it and write a review if you enjoy it. Post the glad tidings, ring it from the highest steeple, shout it to the rooftops, and remember, this book which takes place in the month of December will be a gladsome Christmas gift!




  1. What a wonderful time we had yesterday. Like you said, laughter and tears. And sharing with
    good friends. Loved it.

  2. It’s always just as fun to read your review of our meeting as being there in person.

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