

Now and then, it is nice to reflect. I don’t mean to look back to the past for such a long time that I lose my sense of direction (that can happen). But sometimes I get a sense of where I am by looking at where I’ve been and where I want to go.

When present day happenings are pretty rough, when all the news is scary, when the future is looking a bit frightening, I take a deep breath and reflect. I’ve been through tough times before; so have you. Our country has been in dire straits before; we’ve come through. It is nice to know where my anchor lies. It’s encouraging to hold fast to my faith in One who is much mightier than I.

Early mornings, pre-dawn before the sun even thinks about rising, is a time for quiet reflection. It is a time for praise, for perspective, and purpose. Reflections on the past and the present give me a purpose for tomorrow.



  1. Excellent, Blanche

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