As you look at this picture, can you see three birds? The goldfinches and purple finch are not so noticeable without their glorious summer plumage but they are there, nonetheless. A reader of mysteries looks for clues which a writer of mysteries has planted. This is part of the fun of mysteries–searching for those elusive clues!
Life is sometimes a mystery too! Why did such and such happen? Looking for clues in real life is an intriguing process.
Sometimes mystery writers incorporate nighttime or the midnight hour into their plots and sometimes midnight heralds a real event. Such is true of the Pen-L Valentine to readers. At the stroke of midnight on February 14, the 99 cent sale on Pen-L ebooks on Amazon will end! Not to worry–those same fascinating books by award-winning authors will still be available for only a few dollars more, but I wanted you to know that if you want to really stock your Kindle with bargains, the clock is ticking!
Keep your curiosity going, look around you for clues to explain mysterious circumstances, keep your faith strong, and treat yourself to a cozy mystery. From what I hear, cold weather is going to hit us again in a couple of days. If you are stocked with gas in the car, food in the ‘fridge and books in your reading basket, you are ready for any blizzard. There’s no mystery to that!
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