Cell Phones and Pinocchio

Cell Phones and Pinocchio

What is there about the way a lot of people use cell phones that reminds me of the children’s story, Pinnochio? Well, let’s see now. Everywhere I go, whether I’m driving or shopping, I see people with cell phones stuck to their ears or, worse yet, texting. Wrecks happen, someone bumps into someone else or steps in front of traffic because he or she really isn’t all that aware of what’s going on. The talker’s mind is on the conversation coming into his brain through the miracle of technology.

In Pinocchio, the boys were not aware of what was going on either, until it was too late and they were changed into donkeys. That story was never a favorite of mine. The lesson it taught was too horrible to contemplate; it left a bad taste in my mouth.

As I listen to the news, both local and national, I am appalled and I think that many people are not listening. They are unaware of what’s happening. They remind me of cell phone junkies and candy-loving children. If you don’t think that morality and Christianity and the virtues and truths on which this nation was built are under attack, I invite you to open your eyes and ears and look around. Our country is changing right before our eyes.

Our Constitution and our Christian faith have stood us in good stead for a lot of years. We have been first in the world economy, leaders in valor and virtue. Not all that long ago, we were respected as a Nation. America does not need fundamental re-making and our wealth does not need to be spread around the globe!

Cell phones are good and technology is wonderful, but not at the expense of wrecks, injuries, and lost lives. Those children’s stories did teach a valuable truth and it’s important that as grown-ups, we not forget it. Wake up, America! Let’s be aware of what’s going on and realize if it doesn’t measure up to what God commanded and if it is crosswise with the Constitution, it can’t be good for us!






  1. Judy Lewis says


  2. blanchedaymanos says

    Thanks for writing, Judy.

  3. I agree

  4. Prayer changes things.

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