Sometimes when an army retreats, it does not signify defeat, but a time to re-consider, replenish, and gather strength. That’s what the retreats are at Fran’s. In her lovely house where every square inch holds a Christmas tree or decoration, we group of women met yesterday and we came away refreshed.
Just as her breakfast and lunch were food for the body, the biblical truths we re-visited were food for the soul. In a setting of manger scenes, twinkling lights and Christmas music, we delved into God’s Word. We also considered our words and the way we use them. Christmas is coming and we will be wrapping presents but the most important, lasting, and beautiful gift we can give is the gift of love. Christmas is love and forgiveness. We should include these inside every package.
Most of us women enjoy talking. Fran has said several times that she likes for the chatter of women to fill her house. Well, chatter is what we did yesterday but we re-learned something about the importance of our words. They should be spoken with regard not only to the hearer but to those who maybe aren’t there to hear. Gossip isn’t gossip if it’s true, right? Wrong!! Something can be perfectly true but hurtful to someone else. We should guard our words and by doing that, guard not only the hearts of the hearers but the hearts, lives, and reputations of those who cannot hear us. In other words, we should watch our mouths! We can make sure our words are spoken with love.
Coming out of Fran’s house, I believe each woman felt renewed and revived. There is strength and healing with Christian friends and family. We were more able to face life armed with the love of Christ. One of my favorite verses: “For the joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10).
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