We Here Below

We Here Below

Each time the big airliner that took us to Ireland lifted off from the airport or came in to land, I marveled at how tiny houses, rivers, trees were below me. Have you heard the saying, “above it all”? Looking down on earth, I knew that in those houses and along those streets, people were living their lives, facing obstacles, dilemmas, rejoicing in accomplishments or bowed down with grief. But up there in the air, it was amazing at how small it all looked. Then, the higher the plane flew, the less I could see of the earth until finally, all I saw were clouds under me. Sometimes, when we here below are faced with the great events of life, the earth-changing choices, the death of someone dear, all the smaller things fade in importance and we can see the really vital issues and realize the greatness of God and how puny are all our efforts. We come face to face with the infinite and all we can do is place our faith in our Creator. Everything else fades away.

I hope that your Saturday is blessed. As you go through the day and night, may you find peace and joy and help somebody else along life’s way.

The Lord bless thee, and keep thee; The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee; The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace” (Numbers 6:24-26).



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