This morning I checked out the temperature on the computer. It was nineteen degrees! Whoa! I nearly choked on my swallow of coffee. Then, I noticed I had left it set on the Minnesota town where my brother lives. What a relief! I typed in my NW Arkansas location and it read 20.9. Only two degrees difference? Amazing! And chilling! This polar express is making a statement!
Only a few days ago I made a picture of my pretty fall flowers. I’m afraid they won’t be quite so dazzling now. But then, it is the middle of November. It’s just that I’m always surprised to realize summer has actually flown for another year. Fall was gone before I could really make its acquaintance.
This is one of my favorite days of the month, no matter the frigid temperature. It is the day the cozy critters gather. I am eager to hear what they have to say. I believe Jane is working on another poem or a children’s story. I’m quite sure that Helen will have more writing successes to share with us and, in these wintry days, Peg may have had more time to stay inside and read. Nancy will be missing but she sent an email and I’m to read it to the others. She is much encouraged about the near publication of her book. I’m ready to hear tips on marketing my three Darcy and Flora cozies and I can hardly wait to tell them about the two very old books I’ve read and am reading.
I am convinced that birds and animals know a lot of things we humans don’t. Yesterday morning, I looked up from my typing and there on the crepe myrtle by the porch were two Blue Jays and a female Cardinal. Scooting up the maple were a Flicker and also a Downy Woodpecker. Entranced, I left the computer and put seed in the feeders in the back yard. Soon, Black-capped Chickadees, Goldfinches, and Juncos flocked to the banquet. They must have known that today they would need to be near the home of a certain mystery writer who has a good supply of bird food.
Whatever the weather where you live, I hope your day is warm with love and friendship, and a few brightly-colored wild birds for an added bonus.
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