Isn’t it funny how things change–quickly? One day it is summer, balmy, warm, lazy; the next day, snow covers the landscape and I go shivering around the house in a sweater. Snow hasn’t arrived her in NW Arkansas yet but it certainly has in Minnesota. My brother Tracy sent this picture of Little Sand Lake just outside his door.
As I sit here at my computer, hot cup of Folgers near at hand, very early in the morning I might add, I think about the changes that come our way day by day. Some are expected; some are not. I read somewhere that a sign of a well-balanced person is being able to accept change. I guess that all depends upon a person’s point of view. Positive change is a lot easier to live with than negative.
Some changes are just plain sneaky! They slip up on a person and pounce! For example, my image in the mirror. I got pretty used to how I looked through the years; my hair suited me; I was neither skinny nor plump; I looked okay. Maybe I forgot to check for a few days; I don’t know how it happened nor exactly when, but one day that mirror image reflected a person I did not know. Where did that gray-haired woman come from? When did that crease between my eyes develop? What happened? This was not me. Inside, I felt as young as I did at sixteen, but the outside of me didn’t agree.
So, I told myself, we all grow old; it is a natural process, and what did it matter how I looked anyway? It was how I felt that made the difference! So, little by little I grew used to the new me. But now I’m almost afraid to go past a mirror. What if I look in some day and I see a person I don’t know, one who has changed even more? Will I like her? Will I feel comfortable to be me? How do I combat this gradual, creeping, betraying change called age?
I’ve thought about that as I sit here with coffee cup near-by for fortification, looking at the snow picture for inspiration and I believe I’ve come up with a solution. Oh, I know I’ve arrived at the answer to a ponderous question in a very short while, probably not giving the problem its proper amount of respectful consideration but hey! my thought processes are still clicking right along. I believe change should be met head-on, not ignored nor wished away. It’s best to get the issue right out in the open and not try to hide it. Fact is, I’ve been here a while, traveled a lot of roads and made choices, some right and some not so much. I’ve seen loss and gain; I’ve felt joy and pain and why should I try to hide any of that?
The main antidote to change is staying interested. I like knowing what is going on around me. I enjoy people and I want to hear their thoughts and offer support for their problems. I like to rejoice in the success of others and try for a few successes of my own.
Change happens. If it is something that needs to be fought, then fight it! If it is something that can’t be helped, accept it! Summer turns to winter, sometimes with only a passing nod to autumn. Snow falls and winds blow but then there’s the fireplace and a cup of coffee and a good book. There’s memories of spring and summer, of a distant land I always wanted to visit, of hopes for next spring and the blessings of home and family. The weatherman says the Minnesota snow might possibly breeze our way in a few days. That is something I certainly can’t change so I’ll just adjust. And accept. And count my blessings.
Well said, Blanche!
Thank you, Judy.