A Strong Tower

A Strong Tower

In Ireland, tall, round stone towers rise like ancient, stalwart guards, keeping watch over a beloved country.  Built centuries ago, some as long ago as 750 or 800 A.D., sixty-five of them dot the Irish countryside. Some are in fine condition, looking much as they did when built, and some are just ruins, crumbling stones in a jumbled heap. What were they and why were they built? Did watchers climb the steps inside, keeping a look out from the top for enemy ships approaching across the Atlantic, or foreign army hordes advancing toward a settlement? Were they bell towers or places of refuge? Nobody knows for sure, but stories abound. They are wonderful places for the imagination to take flight and go soaring over limitless miles and eons. My favorite explanation is that they were watch towers, built for the protection of a community or a clan, and perhaps they did have a bell at the top. What better way to peal out a message of alarm?

The Old Testament speaks of thick walls surrounding a city for protection, of strong gates opened only to those who were friendly to the inhabitants within. And, the Bible speaks of watch towers. “I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower,” (Habakkuk 2:1).

Today, the ancient watch towers would be pretty useless against the enemies we face.  Our defenses are far more sophisticated and have advanced way beyond the ancient stone towers. However, there have always been other enemies, Satan’s tools that threaten our spirits as well as our minds and bodies. What defense do we have against those things we cannot see, the evil that exists all around us? The only strong, sure, steadfast and reliable place of refuge I have is God’s Word. I run to it for guidance and for protection and find that it is a tower and a fortress, a protection against harm.

The Lord tells us if we observe and obey His commands, He will set us on high, above all nations of the earth. We will be blessed if we hear and follow His Word (Deuteronomy 28).  It always has been and always will be a place of refuge, of safety and promise. He offers protection far greater than the stone watch towers and God’s Word doesn’t crumble with the passage of time.






  1. Norma DeHues says

    God is our refuge and strength. Thank you for this ‘tower’ of God’s protection.

  2. Excellent

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