An Interview with Pat Harris

An Interview with Pat Harris

The Roving Reporter is intrigued by the people she meets in Levi, Oklahoma. This morning, she zeroes in on Pat Harris, long-time friend of Flora Tucker.

Roving Reporter: Thank you for agreeing to this interview, Mrs. Harris. I understand you’ve lived here in Levi a long time and are close friends with Flora Tucker?

Pat: You understand correctly. Flora and I were chums even in grade school. Why, I’d trust her with my life and she probably knows everything about me and likes me anyway. Now, that’s friendship!

RR: Answer this for me, Mrs. Harris: why do some people refer to you and Flora and a couple of other people as “The Cemetery Club?”

Pat: (laughing) That’s an easy one to answer. Flora and I are on the governing board that makes sure the funds for Goshen Cemetery are properly spent and we see to it that the cemetery stays in good shape.

RR: You’ll have to admit it does sound rather gruesome. Like, who would want to have a club that is all about a graveyard?

Pat: Now, listen, young lady. I wouldn’t expect a youngster like you to understand but there are some of us who see taking care of the final resting place of our dear departeds as a high calling.

RR: As you say. I’ve heard a rumor that all is not always smooth sailing at those yearly business meetings at Goshen. At one point, wasn’t there a question of misused funds and something about a dead body? I mean a body that someone found above ground there at the cemetery.

Pat: (sighing) Of all the nice things to talk about, I don’t know why reporters have to ferret out the unpleasant ones. I’m not saying yes or no. You’ll have to get your question answered by somebody else.

RR: What is there about Levi and all those poor, murdered people who keep turning up? And, I heard about an earthquake too. I didn’t think Oklahoma had earthquakes. California, yes, but Oklahoma? Didn’t it result in a surprise or two? I’ve heard it referred to as Grave Shift. (She shudders.)

Pat: We suffered through two earthquakes, if the truth be known. And I guess you might say we had a couple of surprises. Shocks, is what I’d call them. Shocks from the ground shaking like a bowl of Jell-O and shocks to our nerves!

RR: For a small town, Levi has some really interesting characters. However, it might be a little dangerous to live here. Maybe the life expectancy isn’t that great.

Pat: (huffing and puffing) Oh, for goodness sake! Our life expectancy is as good as anybody’s. Why, take the Jenkins sisters for instance.

RR: Certainly, I didn’t mean to offend you, Miss Pat. One last thing: what’s this I hear about a long-buried secret that had to do with Darcy Campbell and Flora Tucker? Didn’t they unearth something totally unexpected? Can you tell me about it?

Pat: (sniffing) No, I can’t. That’s one of those things that, as far as I’m concerned, is Best Left Buried.

RR: Perhaps you’re right. Thanks for the interview.



  1. Loved the interview. She did a really good job!

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