I love this wet weather! Yesterday as Matt, Dawn, Sara and Nathan came, rain began to fall. Matt had planned to grill outside but the rain changed plans and Dawn fried burgers inside. It was a pleasant supper. Somehow, rain just seemed to make things cozier.
My plants, grass, and flowers certainly agree with me. They are growing by leaps and bounds. Yesterday, I re-planted several and my container garden is looking brighter. I’ll make a picture this morning.
Outside my window, I see some of the neatest things! Right now, a squirrel has paused halfway down the maple. Clinging to the bark with his claws, nose-down, he pauses and stares fixedly across the yard. What does he see? A cat? Whatever it is, it causes him to change his downward flight for a seat on my mailbox.
Summer temperatures haven’t set in yet. I like sitting on the deck in the early morning, watching the day begin. Sometimes, I’ll see a high-flying bird way up in the sky. I mean, really, really far up. It will dart here and there and I suspect it is catching equally high-flying insects. The deck is cool, the redbud tree and clematis vine are a screen, the honeysuckle on the back fence is taking over that area of the yard and the maple limbs droop near the ground. In fact, with the wet weather, my back yard is resembling a jungle.
This is Sunday morning, the Lord’s Day. But then, isn’t every day the Lord’s Day? It is good to set aside a day of the week to particularly worship the Lord but I believe we should worship Him each day. Our daily chores should be done to the best of our ability; the gifts he has given us, the gift of hospitality, faith, music, writing, art, business acumen, all should be bright and shining, lived to the best of our ability as we offer them back to Him in worship.
I’mĀ grateful, on this cloudy, cool first day of the week, which, by the way, looks as if rain may begin again at any moment, for the blessings God showers on me. I’m grateful for America, this unique and God-blessed country where we can worship without fear of government interference. I’m grateful for my family, my friends, for you my readers that I connect with through this blog. It’s a nice way to begin the week, by sauntering through Sunday.
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