When my mother was a little girl, she walked to visit friends. When it came time for her to go home, her friend would walk her part way. Then, Mom would turn and walk her friend back. I don’t know how long they kept doing this, but, I’m sure, for two little girls, it was a great deal of fun and made leave taking happier, especially if the day was growing late and long shadows fell across the road.
I’m reminded of the Lord’s words: “And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.” Of course, no one was compelling the little girls to go with each other, but, it made the way home seem shorter and happier. It still applies today. If someone is in need and asks for comfort, gladly give that comfort; not grudgingly, but abundantly. It makes the road we travel much more pleasant.
And by giving someone else comfort it can surprisingly make you also feel better for doing so.
That is true, Morgan! Thanks for writing.