A Whistle a Day

A lot of things that used to be commonplace have fallen to the wayside in the rush of a technological age. For example, I never hear anyone whistle a tune any more. Do you? I used to whistle a lot. Now, something has happened to my whistler and I have a pretty limited range. Used to be, whistling was commonplace. My dad didn’t whistle as much as Mom did. Dad sang a lot, but when I could hear my mother whistling an old song, all was right with my world.

My grandpa used to whistle as he went to the barn to milk his cows each morning. He would milk before daylight and he’d have a hard day’s work ahead of him, but he was happy and he whistled, usually a Stephen Foster song, The Glendy Burk.

Do you remember the film, The Man Who Knew Too Much? Whistling was quite important in that movie. Seems to me there was once an old radio show called The Whistler.

Remember the Disney film, The Seven Dwarfs and Whistle While You Work? There’s an old song, I Love to Whistle that pretty much sums up a good reason for whistling. 

I advocate getting back to whistling. It’s great for thinking, for cheering up a mood, just pucker up and blow–and whistle!



  1. I never could whistle good. On a side note, I do remember way back when that construction workers would whistle at women who walked by. Of course, that’s taboo these days!

    • Blanche says

      I know. I guess that would sexual harassment? Wolf whistles weren’t considered harassment a few years back. I used to could whistle a pretty good tune but somehow, I can’t seem to do that any more. I’m not sure why.

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