Warming My Heart

Warming My Heart

When the pre-dawn darkness gives way to light this morning, I’ll dread looking at my maple. It has been the most beautiful this year that I remember it ever being. But, alas! After today, its gorgeous leaves will be mostly on the ground. I couldn’t believe the forecast yesterday–the temperature was in the 60s–that tonight the temperature will be around nineteen degrees. What a change! So, I guess I’ll have to warm my heart around a memory, in the words of a song, the memory of a wonderful, warm fall. I’ve posted one last picture of that maple, made a few days ago, with the morning sun lighting it. In case you took need a warming memory, there it is!

One of the good things about cold weather is fireplaces! I sure enjoy mine, not only for the warmth but for the ambience, the feeling of comfort and of being home. I remember at Manos Meadows, getting up early in the morning just so I could build a fire and enjoy the dancing flames before the day began with breakfast and work to follow. Another good thing about a wood-burner is the faint fragrance of smoke as it drifts up the chimney. And too, a fireplace offers companionship in the dancing flames and sparks that skitter upward when a log drops. In case you have a doubt, let me tell you: I love fireplaces.

I remember years ago, trying to build a fire in a wood-burning stove. Now, I was never very good at that, but if I had a lot of kindling, some crumpled up newspapers, a few small, dead sticks and then larger green logs, I could have a pretty good blaze going. Building a fire was sort of a work of art!!  It took a while for that old stove to make a difference in a cold room. So, until the fire got going, I kept on my coat and gloves and turned, first my front to the stove, then my back. Fireplaces are more fun than stoves!

Sara and I agree–one of the good things about winter is sitting in front of the fireplace. It just makes the cold day go better. And today, I hope you have a lot of warm memories, a trustworthy source of heat, a good, hot cup of coffee, and a cozy mystery book to snuggle with. With all those blessings going, you won’t need only a memory, you’ll be making memories of your own!



  1. Yes, the trees have been gorgeous.

  2. Such a glorious tree! I’ve set this great picture as the backdrop on my computer until the
    snow starts to fall.

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