Rainy Day Ramble

This almost never happens! This morning, it was way past sunup (if the sun had felt like getting up) when I opened my eyes.  Could it be because of the time change? No, if I understand that right, I must have gained an hour, not lost it. Then, I looked out the window and saw the reason. Rain! Rain is a lullaby like nothing else. So, now I see through  my window on the world that my neighbors have  all gone to work (Peg probably is home but I can’t see her house from here). The maple is brilliant even in the cloudy day, and the crepe myrtle has lost most of its leaves.

Maybe my body was catching up on making a quick trip to Tahlequah yesterday. It wasn’t that tiring, physically, but it was an emotional experience. In my memory, I often visit the home that was Dad and Mom’s, and the house where my husband, son, and I lived for more than two decades. Mom and Dad’s house is still pretty and neat, well cared for. The house that was ours doesn’t look the same as when we were there and I wonder why.

So now, with the morning slipping through my fingers, I’ll leave you with a poem I wrote long ago. (Why on earth do I use that term, long ago a lot?) Rain is wonderful. It is reviving, it soaks into the earth and energizes all creation but it also is a wonderful song to sleep by.

Autumn Song

The melody of autumn is played on muted strings;

A symphony of wind and trees, the song November sings.

The rhythm of the autumn rain is somnolent and slow,

From softened skies, a lullaby in summer’s afterglow.

                        — Blanche Day Manos

A Hope for You Today: May your day, whether it’s rainy or sunny, be filled with friends, a cup of hot coffee, and an intriguing cozy mystery!

Blanche's cozy mysteries

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