No Tingle in the Toes or Frost on the Ears

No Tingle in the Toes or Frost on the Ears

When icy rain threatened, he flipped his furry tail over his head and crouched under a portable blanket. No tingling toes or frostbitten ears for this enterprising fellow. 002

As he snuggled, warm and protected, on my deck railing, did he plot his next raid on a near-by bird feeder? Behind those alert and watchful eyes, did mischief reign?

Or, in the Kingdom of Squirrels, was he a writer of mysteries, a troubadour of tales, a fabricator of fiction, a narrator of novels? Did his apparent innocence hide thoughts of murder and mayhem?

I don’t have a tail but I do have a comfortable quilt. It stands to reason: warm toes, warm brain, warm but mysterious characters; the imagination runs wild.




  1. …and the plot thickens!

  2. And the very best place to plan a plot is under a warm and cozy quilt!

  3. Dianna Jarvis Steinman says

    Looking forward to a grey squirrel helping with the next mystery! My backyard squirrels keep me smiling!!! Enjoying ur posts!!

    • Blanche Manos says

      Thank you, Dianna. Yes, those squirrels are cute and interesting. A squirrel helping Darcy and Flora is an idea!

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